Poynter President Discusses Cooperation with IPJ Head
St. Petersburg, June 2004
Dr. Karen Dunlap, Poynter Institute president, with IPJ director Magda Abu-Fadil in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Poynter Institute president Karen Brown Dunlap discussed the possibility of cooperating with LAU’s Institute for Professional Journalists, notably in training courses for media practitioners in the Arab world.
Dunlap briefed IPJ’s director Magda Abu-Fadil about Poynter’s new online teaching program, NewsU, which offers innovative training for print and broadcast journalists through self-directed modules, e-seminars and faculty-led courses.
Abu-Fadil visited the Poynter Institute, based in St. Petersburg, Florida, in June 2004, to meet with president-emeritus Bob Haiman and former board member Neil Skene, both of who were speakers at different media ethics conferences organized by IPJ in Beirut.
The Poynter Institute is a school for journalists, future journalists, and teachers of journalists. Its programs are tailored to serve specific audiences and a hands-on approach is emphasized in the learning-teaching process. Resident faculty members include scholars, distinguished professionals, and master teachers.